Local Brit and Eagle scout team up to help the needy

Regular readers will know that Brits in LA a member Nigel Hudson runs a fantastic charity called Neighboring Light whose mission is to do good for the community especially the homeless, and the elderly. By giving useful bags filled with vital necessities for personal hygiene and self-care, they aim to help provide a ray of kindness in difficult and uncertain times.

Good work lads!

     Nigel shared a lovely story with us and we thought you would like to hear it too. A young local lad, Graeme Cote selected Neighboring Light for his Eagle Scout project. He, along with his friends from Troop 36 took it upon themselves to collect donations to fill 100 backpacks with personal care items including toothbrushes, towels, deodorant and even managed to persuade  Bombas to donate 100 pairs of socks to this worthy cause.

     We asked Graeme what made choose Neigboring Light. 

     “My project means a lot to me because it’ll have a very direct and tangible impact on people in my community. I’m fortunate in the fact that my parents have both had steady employment throughout the pandemic and long before, but I’m also aware that hasn’t been the case for a lot of people, especially in LA with rising housing costs complicating it. I never really felt compelled to build a shed, or paint some parking spots, so when I found Nigel and Neighboring Light I knew I was onto something, and I think it turned out great. I’m happy with the way it’s turned out, and I really hope it makes even just a little difference in a few peoples’ lives. I mean, that’s kinda the point of it.”

     Isn’t it lovely to hear about something nice happening within our community for once?

     Visit www.neighboringlight.org to see how you can be a part of making someone’s life a little better!