Meet a Member: Coco Accom

Meet Coco Accom who moved from London to Los Angeles to pursue music, fashion and film.

Was there a particular reason you chose to live in LA? 

It’s the land of dreams, has that vagabond charm about it and the sunny weather was a much better option than the depressing gloom. Basically, I took the leap because I wanted to be around more creative minds. In London it’s all about the Old Boy’s Club and almost impossible to get into the right circles. Here you can meet a beggar or a Fortune 500 billionaire on the same day.

Coco Accom: “go for what it is you want in life and don’t be afraid to put the work in.”

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

LA seemed the mecca of entertainment and a very transitional and multicultural place where anything’s possible. I’ve found that to be true but also find that I’ve really evolved spiritually and mentally as a person and learnt so much, being in showbiz.  It’s been quite an interesting year with the shutdown and that has given me a lot of time to reflect upon what is really important and to focus on the positive things in life.

What do you find is the biggest difference is living here versus where you lived before? 

The people are much friendlier here and easier to connect with than in the UK. Living in LA people are more relaxed and not as stiff as the Brits. There are other big differences too – they drive on the other side of the road here and there’s so many drive-throughs.  Plus you have to relearn American English because a lift is called an elevator, the boot of a car is called a trunk, petrol is gas and a flat is called an apartment. There’s also the difference in humor. The Americans get offended easily but it’s such a delight to run into a Brit in because nothing beats the dry British humor.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us? 

I love going to the Art Fair and Museums in Laguna Beach. This quaint beach city has a romantic feel about it, not to mention the breathtaking views and nature. Laguna has so many interesting art galleries with just incredible artwork that you won’t see around the rest of the world.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

If you’d to like to move to LA have a good head on your shoulders and have some solid connections before you relocate. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

To have a positive attitude of gratitude and to go for what it is you want in life and don’t be afraid to put the work in.

How can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?

I’m currently completing a big-budget female-driven action feature screenplay which has been quite the challenge. It’s got that James Bond feel and it’s about a power female on a mission but still has that male duality.  Although it’s been a very challenging project to say the least,  I find it rewarding now that we’re almost at the finish line. It’s very fast paced and will be shot in different countries and I’m quite thrilled about it.  I’m also working on an EDM music project about mental well-being and social consciousness. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook at @CocoAccom