Meet A Member: Jeff Cane

Meet Jeff Cane from Wimbledon. Who moved to LA 30 years ago to follow a hunch…

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

American Dream: Jeff Cane

I didn’t choose LA – it chose me! My then-girlfriend and I came on a first visit to see a friend. It was when people asked us what we ‘did’ we both explained. When they didn’t understand her therapy it lit a NEW pioneering fire under me!!

What do you miss most from home?

I might be unique in that I don’t miss anything, thanks to Amazon!

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

My first impression was one on endless warmth/sunshine and hope!! The City of Angels REALLY called me and ironically some of that calling will become evident…

What are the main differences between LA and Wimbledon?

Warmth… plus my accent is an advantage!!

Do you have a hidden gem you would like to share with us?=

Sam’s Bagels on Larchmont (not really hidden), plus me as a gift maker!

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Be real and look for real, plus be sharp and check people out fully. Believe in yourself and the reason you came here. Better to TRY than never having tried at all! To make that ‘DREAM’ work, you have to ‘Wake Up’ at some point, one cannot drift off forever no matter how lovely the warmth is…

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Truth be told I don’t think I’ve ever been given such advice but I give plenty…..except when dating a gal that I went ‘head over heels’ for and my great chum said – “get yer power back, mate!”

Where can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?

For the past 28 years I have worn an artistic hat that was born out of necessity and in stark opposition to my UK entertainment one. For this ‘talent’ I became, ‘An Englishman in LA’. It was early on in this art career, 1994, that I went back to London to photograph statues of Angels in Highgate cemetery. I made an early reference to this. I did so because a lot of the major art catalogs were pillaging history for angelic content and there was no way I could compete. The photos I took, on film, went on to circle the globe and 17 years after I had had them in many, many gift stores across the US – I got licensed! That deal put four of my angel photos on 52 household products around the world and in a very prominent catalog. That single act probably makes me the person most responsible for putting angels in people’s homes!

     ‘An Englishman in LA’s start came from an initial idea to try to supply that which I had identified was missing in LALA Land. A personalized gift of European origin, historic looking and highly romantic. To that end, I created ‘Parchment Poetry’. The medieval-looking parchment (which I made) looked like it had come out of Henry VIII’s castle. Upon it in an aged hand was written a poem about the recipient. Each one of three verses started with the initials of their name – it was a big hit!

     There are several ‘elements’ to my story that are truly fascinating that I won’t go into here, I’ll save those for my interview.

     Also: I am trying to get press/documentary interest for my unique UK social media phone pioneering work because I’m talking 42 years ago! I hold the title of first person to ever go viral/stream music/podcast/influence using the public and phone lines. I’m the granddaddy of it all – no kidding!!

     It’s ALL documented here

     So there ya go, kiddies – try to make good choices and remember the three words written on the blackboard of life that was given to you on day one… USE COMMON SENSE!!

Follow Jeff on Instagram @AnEnglishManinLA