Fourth white wedding for former Wild Child?

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These pics of former wild-child Emma Ridley just landed on my desk and I’ve got to say I’m intrigued.

They show her loading up her BMW in a car park of a posh hotel in Valencia early on Saturday morning with what appears to be a boxed wedding dress, bottles of champagne, and a mystery man – who is most definitely not her husband – is helping her.

This won’t help the rumours that the dancer and hubby no. 3 have separated!

So is Emma:

a)    filming scenes from her new reality show

b)     planning to renew her vows to her hubby

c)     planning a wedding to the mystery guy – or as I like to think of him, the future hubby no. 4!

Or maybe Emma just really likes dressing up and drinking champers – er, don’t we all darling!

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