Murder in Spain highlights enduring scourge of homophobia

I remember walking the streets of London as a young teen, getting the Bakerloo line to Queens Park. In order to get to my flat, I’d have to walk through a cluster of council flats. On occasion I’d hear rumblings of gangs of youths chatting, laughing and cussing. One night I heard a “Oi! you f***ing bender, come here!”

      I turned as I thought they were talking to someone else, but then saw four lads start to run towards me. Luckily then, I was fast. I heard them yell: “F***ing get him… smash his f***ing head in.”

     My heart was beating so fast, I remember I was carrying a shopping bag, that I had to dump as it was slowing me down.  I contemplated running all the way home l, but decided to run into the local pub. I was out of breath and tried to ask the bar man to call the police and if he could hide me. He started asking questions.”what’s wrong? Who’s after you? I didn’t have time to talk about the urgency as just as I looked at the front door, one of the lads entered. It was autumn and it had been raining, the lad wearing a Kappa tracksuit with his dark brown hair slightly wet, plastered down on his head. I remember  he was six foot tall, acne on his forehead. He smiled showing his crooked teeth. He started to grab at me, pretending to be be my friend, and said “come on, mate, let’s go outside” I retorted with a much deeper slightly threatening cockney accent” “Look mate,  I don’t know who you think I am but you obviously got the wrong bloke.”

      I looked at the  barman and a few of the other punters, who all looked away. I decided to try to ignore the bully and order a pint, as I turned away, suddenly I felt a slight gust of wind and then a cold sting to my cheek as the lad scarpered out of the door and said “Don’t ever fucking look at my mate like that again,  you f***ing gay bastard.”

      After I paid for my pint, I took it to a corner and kept thinking be strong, don’t cry, don’t let the bastards win. I went to the toilets and sobbed out of fear thinking what if they are waiting outside the pub for me, I still have a distance to go home, what did I do to deserve this?

      I had the idea to call my roommate and have him come and meet me for a drink, “I had a day” I said. I kept the ordeal secret. I didn’t let anyone know, for feeling weak and pathetic that I didn’t defend myself. I let them win.

     But looking back maybe I should’ve considered it a win that all I got what a slapped face.

     Samuel Luiz. On Saturday, the 24-year-old man (pictured, rigth) was beaten to death in northwestern Spain. Luiz’s friends said he was targeted for being gay and that the attackers shouted a homophobic slur. The attack happened outside of a nightclub. His death sparked nationwide protests and thousands denounced attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. Earlier this week, Spanish officials said they’ve arrested three people in connection with Luiz’s death but are still investigating to see if this was a hate crime. The world is showing its solidarity online with hashtags #JusticiaParaSamuel and #JusticeForSamuel.

     A conservative wave: Same-sex marriage has been legal in Spain since 2005. But many reportedly believe there’s been a recent rise in homophobia as the country’s far-right Vox party’s gained popularity.

Let’s hope so….

Even though LGBTQ+ rights have strengthened worldwide and more so here in the States (although  it does bear stating that 29 states, aren’t fully protected by discrimination laws….(I’m looking at you…Texas, Georgia and Florida)  we are always in a constant battle for equality.. Cries of ‘some’ straight people asking why we need pride? Why is it a month long? Can’t you guys just get over it already? I don’t hate gays, so why do you have a chip on your shoulder?

     Maybe now you’ll see it, maybe Samuel could have been your son, maybe Samuel could have been me. So yes we continue to fight for our rights because they can – in a flash – be taken away from us or until men like me stop getting killed.

     Want to help? Be an ally and make it stop… please reach out to me at to find out how!

     Shine on… Fight on!

Craig Young