Wales: chips and caravans never looked so good

The jealousy tour continued.

So where are you dreaming to go on vacation? The Maldives? Cabo? The Amalfi coast?

     How about Wales? It’s only a ten-hour flight from LA and a two hour train ride from London.

     Wales sometimes gets a bit of a bad rap, thanks to Gavin and Stacey (great show btw) however being half Welsh I have to tell you, it’s absolutely beautiful.

     I know we have it all in Cali, but there’s something so warm about being back ion the motherland, soaking up the sun, walking through the sun, seeing the happy faces and eating a bag of chips on a park bench. There I said it: I honestly was craving chip shop chips my entire three-week stay and I have to tell you… it was worth the wait. I don’t know what it is, whether it’s how they are processed, the fact I can control how much salt and vinegar I smother them in. Or perhaps it is the exoticness of a savaloy and mushy peas and thick gravy. (Are you salivating yet?) Welsh chips didn’t disappoint.

OLD STOMPING GROUND: Craig enjoys an Indian summer in Wales

     Anyway enough about the cuisine of Wales let’s talk about the entertainment. We stayed on a caravan site with my Mum and Dad in Trecco Bay, South Wales. A uniquely British treat. (Most Americans probably would be mortified at the idea of vacationing in a trailer park!).  To stay in a caravan was considered a luxury to me in my youth and certainly a big-step up from the six-birth tent we used to have to put up in the rain.

     Today’s caravans are all tricked out  with satellite TV, a modern kitchen and a comfortable seating area. At the back is a spacious master with an en-suite, but the only downfall are the other two rooms.

     Not good for the claustrophobic, you have to walk sideways to enter your bed and the beds themselves are as wide as a fish-finger. Great if you have a lot of kids but six adults in a caravan was a stretch. (Pardon the pun) But to be fair a caravan is just somewhere to lay your head when you have the scenic rolling hills and long breadth of beach to enjoy. September is the new August- we had not one drop of rain the entire visit.

     Another great thing about a caravan park is the night-time entertainment (Butlin’s has nothing on Park Centres) think old-fashioned cabaret singers, magicians, comedians, and lots of dancing and merriment for all ages. I had a huge smile on my face as it reminded me once again about how happy Brits are in their holidays! Even me and my friend Lisa got up to join in of a round of It’s Raining Men by the Weather Girls. Four pints of lager will do that to a man.

     So if you are planning your first post pandemic vacation, perhaps consider South Wales. It’s not quite the Ritz-Carlton in the south of France, but it’s a perfect place to enjoy an authentic trip down memory lane. 

For more information on Trecco bay caravan park, visit