Quizzy McQuizface!

And the winners….Brrr It’s cold outside

With Thanksgiving approaching, plenty of trivia players had reason to be thankful they attended the latest Brits in LA Pub Quiz at the Market Tavern.

     Among them was Markus Bailey, who triumphed in the singing round to win a flaming sticky toffee pudding.

Runners up: Quizzy McQuizface

     Team of six Quizzy McQuizface (right) were also in the prizes as one of the runners up at the packed pub patio on November 16.

     But no one could stop trivia trio Brr It’s Cold Outside (also pictured) who saw off 12 other teams to take first place and the title.

     Get your Thanksgiving celebrations started early by joining quizmaster Sandro Monetti and your fellow Brits in LA at the next quiz night on Tues Nov 23, 7.30 start. (pictures: Glenn Kinsey)