Meet A Member: Alexander Hathaway

Meet Alexander Hathaway from Brighton who moved to LA 6 years ago to continue his acting career

He loves a good curry: Alexander Hathaway

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?
Los Angeles is THE industry town. As an actor I’m curious and passionate about theatre, film and cinema and with all the American culture I grew up with, LA was the obvious choice for an actor continuing his career in Film and Television. But apart from that, it’s the weather, the people and the food and the natural beauty in and around Los Angeles.

What  do you miss most from home?
I have not been back in two years, and I really I miss my sister and her growing family. I miss having a long Sunday walk (American’s call a nice long walk a ‘hike’, apparently. My walking is mainly three speeds, a ‘walk’ a ‘stroll’ and a ‘pottering about’ but that’s just me! So a long country walk with friends across the south downs, ending up sitting in front of the fire at my local pub, with a pint in hand, makes me misty eyed.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

I remember stepping off that plane at LAX as if it were yesterday, suitcase in hand. I felt I was in my own version of that great Steve Martin film: “LA Story” the energy was palpable, everyone was so friendly, so positive and it felt magical. It felt that anything and everything is possible. It was then and it still is but I guess things changed since the Pandemic. However, the core of this place is the people and its stories – that’s what I find fascinating, its a collection of stories and of experiences.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Brighton?

Everything here is reliant on having a car! Public transport is getting better but driving is a necessity.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

My hidden gem is India Sweets and Spices in Atwater. You can get British food and great ingredients for cooking a curry, something very close to my heart.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

I would suggest that you do a trial run, maybe 4-6 weeks if you are serious about it, come and meet some Brits in LA, see the lay of the land and make an action plan. LA is a beautiful, glamorous and fast-paced but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Definitley meet up with members for coffee and do the Brits in LA events! Such a fun group of people and you’ll make really good friends and have a great time. The best piece of advice I was ever given was to take my drivers test in Thousand Oaks and also join AAA. If you ever need to do something like buy/sell a car or sort out your car registration they do it all for you. And for those of you who have never experienced the DMV, its like… I literally have no words.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you ? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

I’m on the judging panel for 2022 ‘Hollywood Fringe Festival’ and I’m also a judge for the rather splendidly amazing ‘DLFF’ (Die Laughing Film Festival) in Hollywood. I’m continuing my work as a UK Equity Ambassador for the Los Angeles Network here in LA, supporting equity members and events. Have completed my children’s book about my dog Murphy, which I wrote during the pandemic and I’m adapting it for a children’s TV Series. Also, I’m currently filming a TV series ‘Binary Star’ and I’ve just been attached to two new projects filming in LA starting next year, so I feel really thankful, blessed for all the opportunities that are coming my way. And the support of my lovely agents both here and in the UK.

   Visit my website: and connect with me on Instagram at: @lexhathaway_official