New LA Rules – OK?

Every new year in LA brings new rules and regulations – and this year there are some quite interesting ones; for example the amount of room a pig can enjoy before getting sent to the slaughter house is now 43 sq feet. This rule has some farmers up in arms, and they claim it will most definitely affect the price of bacon!

   Good news for our hens too! They all have to be cage- free and have to be housed in no less than 144 square inches per hen.

   More good news for the cocktail at home crowd – restaurants can keep operating an offy – where you can order your fave cocktails and have them delivered to your house or take that 1/2 empty bottle of wine home with you from the table. – Make mine a tequila Manhattan!

   Speaking of getting things delivered – Uber delivery peeps can keep their tips. Yay! In a push for transparency, this new law states that tips via food delivery services and apps must go to the individual worker, and cannot go to the delivery service.

It also makes it against the law to charge a customer a purchase price higher than what is listed on the website at the time of order. If you order for pickup, the gratuity will go to the restaurant – not the app.

Covid bound: Craig, with the lurgy

   The Covid crisis has brought the western world’s growing mental health crisis to the forefront – thank goodness. And this is reflected in a new education policy which requires that for middle and high schools which already have a health education course, part of the curriculum must now be dedicated to mental health.  The aim of the bill is to teach mental wellness in young people, but also to help them identify when then need to ask for help.

   Free menstrual products are also to be included in each college campus, finally! The Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 requires public schools to stock restrooms from grades 6-12 with an adequate supply of free products in all women’s restrooms and all-gender restrooms, and in at least one men’s restroom, before the start of the 2022–23 school year. It also requires California State University schools and each community college district to stock free menstrual products, and make them easy to get to.

   So with all of my recent postings telling everyone to be careful about COVID-19 I’m afraid to report –  “well I only gone and blown the bloody doors off! and contracted it.” We came into close contact with the virus via a house guest who had traveled from the UK to NY and came with the gift of Omicron, just in time for Christmas!  Luckily both my husband and I were double vaxxed and boostered – so our symptoms were very mild – a sore throat for a couple of days and a splitting headache – but no fever and no loss of taste or smell.  As we know the numbers exploded in the week of christmas and we canceled our travel plans – luckily we got a full refund and got to enjoy our first Christmas in our own home! It was great to not let our gorgeous tree go to waste!  And to be honest with this terrible weather I was quite glad we got to isolate through it all! And to top it all off my guilty houseguest decided to buy me a bread maker for Christmas. I am obsessed….. literally putting myself forward for the Great British Bake Off next year.

Just add butter…

   If anyone is in knead (pardon the pun) of a slice and maybe a cuppa tea?  I’m now negative, full of antibodies and happy to break bread with those who need it?

   Be well, stay dry and here’s to a better and brighter 2022!
