Happy 2022 Everyone!

The new year is traditionally the signal for a fresh start – we all love to make resolutions that are often impossible to stick to, but when that clock strikes midnight we are mostly filled with optimism and determination.

   Whilst it appears 2021 ended in a bit of a stalemate and 2022 began much the same way, this time I really do feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. So in the meantime let’s celebrate the small victories. Craig touched on a few of the laws that will come into effect in California throughout this year. There were actually 836 proposals put forward and Governor Gavin Newsom signed off on approximately 92% of them.

   A couple that caught my eye and will affect many of us are the fact that NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) will now be illegal. Not sure if this was as a result of the many recent high-profile cases that showed NDAs shielded criminal behavior, but either way it is probably a good that they are no longer allowed in CA; although I am not sure what would stop someone implementing an NDA in another state or country?

Food waste composting: it’s in our future…

   New trash/rubbish laws; finally! The ambiguous numbered arrow recycling symbol will no longer be allowed on products unless they are actually recyclable. Californians will also be required to start composting – all food waste will soon need to go in the green/yard waste bins. But don’t panic as this law is going to be rolled out slowly throughout the year and your local authority will notify you when it is due to be implemented in your area and will also provide you with a compost bin. There will be a grace period whilst we all get used to it and they won’t be handing out any fines until 2024. The new regulations will affect supermarkets and other food sellers too – they will be instructed to keep unused food out the land fill as well as being required to donate surplus edible goods to food banks. Whilst it may be a bit of a nuisance to get the hang of at first, it actually sounds like a new year’s resolution that I will want to try and keep.

   For those of you who rent your home in Los Angeles – you may be pleased to hear there is a city order that prohibits landlords from raising the rent on rent stabilized units (usually buildings built before October 1978) until 2023 – this isn’t great news for landlords though, so if you have a good one make sure to show your appreciation by at least paying your rent on time.

   Amongst the proposed laws Governor Newsom vetoed was decriminalizing jaywalking – which means you can still get a ticket if you cross the street outside of a crosswalk – this currently costs the princely sum of $250 including administration fees, and if you are a cyclist it is still against the law to roll/yield at a stop sign – so if you happen to get a ticket for this moving violation make sure it says you were on a bicycle as otherwise you could get points on your driving license.

   Good news for those of you traveling back to the UK – you will no longer have to have a covid test before you arrive – but at the moment you do still do have to test before you board a flight back to the USA – make sure to join our Brits in LA Travel & Immigration group on Facebook for all of the latest updates.If you are finally ready to be a bit more social why don’t you come along to our weekly Pub Quiz at the Market Tavern (6333 W 3rd St, LA 90036) – it is every Tuesday at 7.30pm hosted by Sandro Monetti. For more details visit us on Facebook or Instagram @BritsinLA or you can email us at info@Britsin.LA – but feel free to just show up – get there early if you want Sandro to find you a team to join.

   If you have any questions or comments please drop us a line at the email address above, we always love to hear from you.

