Amy’s New Boyf’ Reg Has an Edge!

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Finally, Amy Winehouse has dumped that druggie ex-hubby Blake Fielder-Civil and is now going out with a very sexy film director chappy…

His name is Reg Traviss, and I know his big brother Richard, er, very well indeed. Of course this means I now have to promise to be nice about Amy at all times… Ahem.

Winehouse’s dad Mitch told, “It’s early days but she’s smitten, they seemed very happy in each other’s company.”

He added, “She didn’t let go of his hand all night. Amy’s camp are delighted that she’s ditched the toe-rag and is seeing a nice fella instead.”

Aww, how sweet…

And the good news is Reg is a totally clean living boy; so let’s hope this one succeeds, as it’ll be one way making sure Amy stays well away from the drugs!

Yay, I can almost hear the new album…

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