Leon Logothetis: a famously kind Brit in LA

We’re delighted this week to share the wise words of Leon Logothetis, global adventurer, TV host, motivational speaker, best-selling author….and Brit, of course! For over a decade Leon has travelled the globe (most than 100 countries, and counting) to highlight the good in humanity. Perhaps you’ve seen him in The Kindness Diaries on the Discovery Channel? He recently released Season Two of My Kind of News in collaboration with Southwest Airlines, available on the carrier’s YouTube Channel.

Leon, firstly congratulations on your series My Kind of News with Southwest Airlines. You’re known as the kindness guy… but how would you describe kindness and how is it different to how we already know it? 

Kindness is simply helping someone feel less alone. That’s really all it is.  And each and every one of us knows the experience of feeling alone, and I hope, that we all know the experience of when another human being makes us feel less alone. It’s in that moment of connection that the power of kindness to change lives becomes crystal clear. 

How did you become enlightened to such a state of being?

Hmmm, I don’t think my girlfriend would agree with anyone saying that I have been enlightened to any high state of being (but, for the sake of argument, and to try and answer your question, I became the man I am today, because I faced my pain).  I swam in the darkness, an internal darkness that most of us ignore. A darkness, that lives in each and every one of us. Yet few, truly face it. And when we don’t face it. I promise you, it will ultimately consume us. (a little dark, but also a little true).

      FYI the quick answer to the question: conscious effort. One extra note: As a kid, it was the kindness of one teacher who believed in me that helped me through.

It’s easy for people to be negative, pessimistic, hateful – how do you recommend people make that switch?

Accept your imperfection.  There will be times when you slip into the negative. The hate. The pessimism. And that’s ok. But hopefully there will be times when you slip into the positive. The joy. The love. And that’s definitely ok, too! 

      Occasionally, throughout the year, I will encourage what I call “The (3) Kind Deeds Challenge”. You can follow the link at: leonlogothetis.com/3kinddeeds

      Some quick general tips that can often help uplift us can include:

      -Reaching out to a friend or family member (or a hotline) when the darkness rolls in on you;  talk about it; open up; seek support

      -Being of service to others; extending small acts of kindness throughout your day (making someone else feel less alone) is a win-win. The recipient feels good and you feel good doing it. Those small acts of kindness or kind deeds can be very simple in nature like paying for coffee for the person standing behind you in line at Starbucks, calling to check on a friend or family member; caring for an animal (whether through volunteering at a shelter or through pet ownership) consistently taps into our capacity to love and to show kindness… and to feel less alone.

      Go outside and just breathe; take in a beautiful sunset (particularly easy to do here in LA); literally stop and smell the roses.

How can members find out more about what you do? DO you provide coaching on how to be kind?

People can find me on Instagram and Facebook @thekindnessguy.

      Currently I don’t offer coaching on how to be kind, but that’s a great idea! So, if anyone wants to learn the secrets of kindness, reach out to me on social media and I will give you a free kindness coaching class! 

How and why did you come to LA?

I moved from London to LA in 2005 as a way to escape from my old life. Yet I realized pretty quickly, as the great Austin Powers once said… “Wherever you go, there you are…” So escaped London, but not myself!

What were some of the things that you were shocked by or in awe of when you first landed in the states?

I remember landing in America, and feeling FREE. It had a different energy to Europe. A more expansive one, and people loved my accent!  So, I stayed. For 17 years!

What are some of your favorite things to do here? Any hidden gems?

I love the Grove. It’s like Disneyland for adults.

I love the flea market on Fairfax and Melrose (Sunday mornings)

I love Tony’s Taverna in Malibu.

I love hiking in Fryman Canyon.

I love Book Soup on Sunset.

I love sitting on EL Capitan beach in Malibu.

I love taking my dog (Archie Statham) to the dog beach in Long Beach.

I love going to the sauna & steam room at Burke Williams in Weho.

I love going to Soho House Malibu  

I love coming back to LA!

What do you miss about the UK – if anything?

I miss the banter between friends, and I miss the smell of fresh grass when I used to play football!

What one piece of advice do you have for anyone thinking of making the move to LA?

Do It. 

Lastly, give us three words that you live by…

Never Give Up!