Meet A Member: Andrew De Burgh

Meet Andrew de Burgh from Berkshire, England who moved to LA seven years ago to pursue directing films and commercials!

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Growing up, LA always seemed like a magical place to me. My goal for most of my life has been to be involved with film, TV and commercial production and with Los Angeles being the entertainment capital of the world, I really wanted to try my hand here. 

What do you miss most from home?

British humor, the countryside, friends, family and warm summers walking in the hills of Shropshire (where I was born).

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

Andrew De Burgh

My first impression of LA is that it’s a very diverse place with quite a lot extremes of almost everything. There are some truly great (and awful) people as well as some very wealthy (and very poor) people. There’s also a lot of successful people whose professional dreams have come true and there are also many talented people with broken dreams and unfulfilled potential. There’s a lot of great restaurants, things to do and the weather is phenomenal.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

The weather for a start! It may be a cliched thing to say but it really is true. The weather here for the most part is truly phenomenal. The lifestyle is very different. LA is a very fast and business-minded city compared to places where I used to live in the UK. Sometimes I feel like that’s a good thing but other times people’s preoccupations with wealth and status goes too far.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I have lots of hidden gems in LA! I’m not sure if it’s hidden but I love all the Urth Caffe’s around the city.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

I don’t want to be too idealistic and say something typical like “just move here, it’s a dream place”. It’s like anywhere in the world where there is a lot of good and bad. It’s also quite expensive. If you want to and can move here, have the means to support yourself financially through a well-paid job, savings etc., I definitely think it’s worth trying. Life is short and one should try (within reason) to do what we want to do. 

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

In this city, I truly believe we’re on our own. A lot of people that you think will help you simply won’t and I don’t necessarily think it’s just out of selfishness but rather the fact that everyone has their own issues, insecurities and worries. Another great piece of advice I’ve learned the hard way both through my own experiences and those of others I’ve seen is to not let the highs and lows of life here get to you. One minute you could be doing really well and the next you could be having setback after setback. I believe it’s important to stay level-headed and not get swept up in the glamour and glitz of the town. 

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?

After several years as a freelance commercial and film director, a few months ago I founded a full scale advertising agency called Sacred Ember Commercials that does video commercials and social media campaigns for businesses, products and independent films for affordable rates. We just did a campaign for a popular karaoke lounge in the OC and are currently working on a horror feature film. Please check out our campaigns on our website and reach out for a free quote if you’re interested in any of our services!

Instagram: @secommercials
