More fun & games at the BiLA pub quiz

Lauren, Paul the Pom and this week’s winning team at the Market Tavern

I had an absolute blast stepping in for Sandro at last night’s pub quiz. It was a great turn out with 12 lovely happy teams. Winning team were ‘Nobody Died This Week’ (pictured with myself and pub quiz mascot Paul the Pom) Honourable mention to team ‘Older But Not Wiser’ who had a birthday party, but also won the Disney-themed signing round by commissioning Perry the server to sing on their behalf!

   Juliana provided a Peruvian themed entertainment act halfway through the evening calling upon team members to balance swords on their head while belly dancing! Very fun indeed. Next week I shall help Juliana’s quiz hosting by providing my own half time entertainment, although it certainly won’t involve swords! I hope I am able to host the quiz on Sandro’s behalf at some point again in the future, everyone was so kind and welcoming. 

Very many thanks,

Lauren (and Paul the Pom)