Meet a Member: Natasha Graziano

Meet Natasha Graziano from London who moved to LA one month ago to pursue her career in motivational speaking and mindset coaching for top level entrepreneurs and A-list stars.

Natasha: “I knew LA was where I wanted to be because it has always held a special place in my heart”

Natasha has named the world’s ‘#1 female motivational speaker under 40’ by Forbes Magazine. She is also a best-selling author.

   Her new book ‘Be It Until You Become It: The Law of Attraction Explained Through Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom’ debuted on Wall Street Journal at #3 last week, her book signing is Tuesday August 2nd at Barnes and Noble at The Grove at 6pm. So why not pop in and say hello before Brits in LA Pub Quiz? It’s just a few hundred yards away at the Market Tavern and starts at 7.30pm.

   Natasha moved here with her 6 year old son called Rio and her husband Michael. Her story is truly inspirational – four years ago she was a homeless single mum – she sold her possessions so she could go into a hostel and then into her mother’s basement! 

   With a positive attitude, courage and the love for her son she has entirely changed her life around. 

Being a fairly new transplant we thought that a great way to introduce her to the Brits in LA community was to have her participate in our Meet a Member feature. We hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as we did. Hope to see some of you next Tuesday at her book launch. 

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I knew LA was where I wanted to be because it has always held a special place in my heart after London. A lot of the stages that I speak on are in LA and my podcast is based here as well so it was like a natural calling for me to come here and embrace a transatlantic move 🙂 

What do you miss most from home?

I miss my family and my friends and the endless green countryside I used to walk in where I grew up in Oxfordshire. 

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

I was a little scared at first because it’s such a huge city and it’s so fast paced but I’m such a fast-paced kind of gal and love meeting new people so it started to feel like home very quick.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus London?

There is always an event to go, always someone to talk to, there is always something interesting going on and people travelling through LA from all over America so you always get to be in new interesting environments. Also the climate is much more desirable here in LA. My mood is much more uplifted and my son gets to grow up in a place that isn’t just a busy city.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Yes! There is a part really far up on Venice beach away from the noise and hustle where it’s always so quiet, it’s so quaint and calm there. I often go there to meditate in the sunset.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

If you have a career here or a huge desire to do it- do it!! I feel like it’s a city of dreams and anything is possible! 

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Well I was taught to always light someone’s candle and eventually I made it into a movement. Every day we get a choice of whether we will light someone’s candle or blow it out. that means doing something nice for someone. Doing a kind deed for someone etc., and then that person will go and light someone else’s candle and that person will light their spouse’s candle and in just one small gesture you have lit up the whole world. Or the flip side of this is blowing someone’s candle out by being reactive to someone, (for example) using a bitter tone to your waitress. And then that person will go and blow someone’s else’s candle out because of you and they will go blow out someone else’s candle and so on. So you get a choice every day of whether you will light the whole world up with your candle or blow the world light out. 

Lastly, how can we find out more about you ? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

I’m so excited to announce my new book ‘Be It Until You Become It’ which as you may have heard is out in book stores from August 2nd. Would love to invite you to my book signing at Barnes and Noble at The Grove August 2nd where we will get to meet in person. 

Would love to connect with you and if I can motivate someone reading this today then I know I’m following my purpose and mission. Visit my social media below for more details and to rsvp for the book launch This event is free but make sure to register as there are a limited number of free copies of Natasha’s book available up for grabs! or