Meet a Member: Michael Quarterman

Meet Michael Quarterman, from Carshalton, Surrey, who moved to LA 41 years ago to work on the cruise ships.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Michael in the KLSX studio

I was working at the London Hilton as a society photographer, and met another photographer who had worked on the cruise ships. He suggested l look into it if l wanted to escape England. After an interview, l had not heard from them, so l called to follow up, and it was the best call l ever made! An opening had just come in, and as long as l could be in LA in 10 days, l had the gig! lt could have been a cruise ship almost anywhere in the world.

What do you miss most from home?

The countryside – its peace and tranquility. Devonshire cream teas, real ale, and the humour.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

Working on the LA cruise ship was an amazing experience, but we only had about nine hours ashore, twice a week, to explore LA. so we were always wanting more time, this made LA more enticing. It seemed so big, with big roads and big cars. Now l know the city really well, and you get used to it.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Carshalton? 

My village is an ancient settlement, mentioned in the Doomsday book, and whose meaning is “the settlement by the watercress springs”. LA is also an ancient settlement, but has been transformed over the last 200 years or so, to be a futuristic city. Whereas Carshalton hasn’t changed in centuries! Career wise, l would never had achieved what l have here, especially as radio DJ. I came here as a photographer to work on the ships. On my very first cruise, l met a wonderful guy called Joe Powers, who had a chain of photography studios, and offered me to work for him, “if i ever got fed up w the cruise ship life”.

     On another cruise l met a great immigration lawyer. After several years and numerous cruise ships, l called them up, and said let’s do it! Joe had a new studio opening up in Vegas, and offered me the chief photographer position. At a party there some months later, l met a girl who said ” With your cute accent you’d be great on the radio!” Turns out she was the girlfriend of the music director of the big rock station in Vegas at KOMP. with over 100,000 watts of power, we rocked four states, and it was glorious! The playlist was flexible in those days, and l even sneaked my own records in the mix, that l got away with for years! I became the first British DJ to rock Vegas airwaves, but it became increasingly bothersome. l also got tired of the extreme heat of their six month summers and applied and got offered a job at a classic rock station in Ventura, KZTR. Some years later l was offered to take over the famous Breakfast with the Beatles show on KLSX, after we lost their wonderful host Deirdre O’Donoghue. l revolutionized the show, adding elements such as live breakfast broadcasts, and movie soundbites, that were both profitable and entertaining.

     Sadly radio has gone corporate, and you don’t get the freedom we used to get, so it’s hard for me to play the same 100 songs everyday! That’s why I’m not in radio at the moment.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Lake Shrine, Sunset Ranch, and a lovely little cove, just north of Laguna Beach

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Don’t do it! lol. But if you do, get ready for endless rejection, but eventual acceptance!

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Believe in yourself, and “don’t stop believing”, as Journey once sang….and don’t give up!

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

You can visit my sites:, and for info on my photo and DJ services. And/or you can come and see me live at the Market Tavern, in the Farmers Market, where I’m currently doing a DJ residency, every Wednesday and some Saturday nights.