It’s all gone soggy…

What a wet and windy start to 2023! 

 LA made a very grand entrance into the new year with a bomb cyclone – or what us Brits would refer to as ‘a torrential downpour’. Either way it put a huge damper on the firework displays that usually fill our skies when the clock strikes midnight.

   Whilst the timing could have been better, it is very much welcomed. After an unbearably hot summer California is still in a severe drought. 

   LA County managed to capture almost 2 billion gallons of water over the NYE weekend but that’s just a drop in the ocean (sorry, couldn’t resist) compared to what we actually need. So just because it’s raining don’t think that means you can be wasting water…..that includes no running taps whilst brushing your teeth and if you have an automated sprinkler system make sure to turn that off too please.

   We also have some new laws and regulations that went into effect on January 1st . Below are a few that caught my eye but you can see the full list by visiting tinyurl/CALAWS23

   Contrary to popular belief jaywalking is still not completely legal, however under the newly- introduced ‘Freedom to Walk’ act we are allowed to cross the street as long as it is deemed safe to do so. Basically they have rebranded the Green Cross Code. I won’t be there when you cross the road so make sure to Stop, Look and Listen!

   Drivers also need to be aware that when passing a bicycle they need to move in to a separate lane rather than just give them a wide berth.

   California is proud to be the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur products.

   California has also raised its minimum wage to $15.50 per hour. However, the city of Los Angeles has set their rate at $16.04 and West Hollywood starts at $17 and will increase to $18.86 in July. Whilst that is far better than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 it still isn’t enough to actually afford to live in West Hollywood. And does it really help? As all that seems to happen when the minimum wage is increased is that businesses raise their prices to incorporate the extra cost, which then means the same workers have to pay more for everything so we go back to square one. It really makes it difficult for everyone – especially the smaller businesses.

Sorry to see you go, Gary

We sadly lost one of our favourites earlier this week, the Market Tavern, home of our weekly Brits in LA Pub Quiz.  Gary Twinn’s marvelous hostelry had to admit defeat and shut up shop on Tuesday January 5th. This is in spite of the fact that it was situated within the bustling Farmers Market at the Grove as well as being the home for the Hollywood Hammers (local chapter for West Ham supporters) and was proclaimed by many Brits in LA members as ‘one of the best Sunday Roasts in town’. As you can imagine it was a bit of a shock and extremely saddening to hear it had come to such an abrupt end. But it also highlights how important it is to support our local businesses whenever we can, otherwise soon there will be none left and then minimum wage won’t even be an issue as there will be no jobs on offer anyway…

   Obviously this means Brits in LA Pub Quiz won’t be happening next Tuesday but watch this space to find out what’s next. Or you can follow us on social media by searching @BritsinLA. 

   Till next time…         

