Eek, It’s No-hair-mi Campbell…

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A gust of wind blew on a busy New York street, and onlooker’s jaws suddenly dropped as they watched Naomi Campbell posing for a fashion shoot for designer Dennis Basso.

This time passers by were not stopping to catch a glimpse of the supermodel at work, but to gawk at her vanishing hairline!

Apparently, the cause of the severe damage to Naomi’s hair is known as ‘traction alopecia’ and is due to years of wearing tight hair extensions … Basically the hair eventually snaps off and falls out. Britney Spears, Paris Hiltonand Victoria Beckham have all suffered from this in past too … Oo-er!

Well, I for one am not a big fan of Campbell, so I can only hope she disappears just like her locks, in a ‘hair today gone tomorrow’ kind of way. Wishful thinking, I know…

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