Thanks To Schuester, Kell-Glee Brook is Still Press Worthy!

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After looking at these pics, what should I scream first? … Get a room … or, these pictures stink of a set-up! Um, I going with, THESE PICTURES STINK OF A SET-UP!!!

Glamour model Kelly Brookand my neighbor, Glee starMatthew Morrison certainly gave the passers by on a London street something to ogle about, as the couple appeared to ‘play-act’ their way into the tabloids.

I’ve never seen Kelly looking so uncomfortable when a camera was pointed in her direction, the sexpot is usually a natural … But not in this shoot!

You can clearly see as TV’s Will Schuester leans forward to kiss Kelly, she spots the strategically placed pap staring straight into its lens smiling awkwardly, in a ‘I can’t wait till this is over’ kind of way. That’s not so surprising, since it’s only week after she split with rugby ace Danny Cipriani.

Eventually Morrison gets some lip-on-lip action, but conveniently the pic just happens to be the most blurred snap in the set… At least it’s kept Kelly in the papers!

A source told Dan Wooton: “Kelly is moving on from Danny. She’s not looking back. Matthew is very into her and she thinks he’s adorable.

“She likes the fact he’s the opposite to Danny. He loves singing and dancing, not sports.”

Which leaves with one thing left to say … Now get a room!

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