The Queen’s Governess: a royally good read…

Karen Harper tells an engaging story of a country girl’s rise to power in the Tudor court

Rating:  4 Stars

“It’s a story that gives a fresh glimpse into the making of Elizabeth Tudor…a touching mother-daughter story, a ghost story, and a story of one woman’s rise to power in treacherous times,” says Queen’s Governess author Karen Harper.

The Queen’s Governess is the story of Katherine Ashley – or Kat as she’s known. History tells us little of Kat’s life. Bestselling author Karen Harper tells a convincing tale of Kat’s life that spans four Tudor monarchs. Harper maintains her focus on the roles of powerful women showing strength and weaknesses as she did in an earlier book, Mistress Shakespeare.

Kat’s ability to read and write is a rare thing for a woman in Tudor times. Kat helps Thomas Cromwell, first earl of Essex. She’s rewarded by being sent to learn manners and how to be a lady. Cromwell places Kat in Henry the VIII’s court as a lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn. However, she’s there to spy for Cromwell as well. After Anne’s death, Kat becomes governess to Elizabeth. Kat is there for Elizabeth’s trials and tragedies before and during her time as queen.

“I’ve written several historical novels set in Tudor England, and this is one of my favorites,” says Harper. “I’ve long wanted to write Kat Ashley’s story, for when Anne Boleyn was beheaded Kat became the young Elizabeth ‘s governess and, indeed, foster mother. Together they suffered tragedies but also had their triumphs. Although it is a historical novel, the ambitions, treachery and passions of the characters seem amazingly modern.”

Harper says that to remind herself that women in Tudor times couldn’t run away that she would sometimes wear her brocade 30-pound Tudor gown. “Made quite authentically with a bum roll, two sets of sleeves, and a pomander. Women had to stand and fight…and you can hide a dagger in those big skirts! My daughter-in-law, who used to design bridal gowns, made it for me.”

Harper made many trips to England over the past three decades, especially focusing on Tudor sites. “I saw at Greenwich the Boleyn ring with the hidden portraits which figure so prominently in the novel.” Harper has taught British Literature, interviews experts, and does the usual research of books, documents and Google. She keeps a library for her own “Tudormania”.

The movie rights to Queen’s Governess have been sold in the UK, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Turkey.

You won’t be able to put down this delightful story of a country girl who rises to become the confidante of queens. Harper’s realistic portrayal of Kat a woman who makes her own destiny in a time ruled my men is enlightening and makes you wonder if the men were really that powerful. Harper does a great job of portraying the woman who shaped the life of Elizabeth I.

The Queen’s Governess by Karen Harper. Hardcover, 368 pages, Publisher: Putnam Adult (January 21, 2010), Language: English. ISBN: 9780399156182,  $25.95

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