Klum Seals deal with sexy new video

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Klum and Seal naked in bed together? Your imagination is no longer required as the German beauty and the Brit singer can now be seen sharing very intimate moments in a new music video.

The video, which was shot in black and white and just debuted on  U.S. show Access Hollywood, goes along with the first single, Secret, from Seal’s latest album, which is titled Commitment. The album, produced by hit-maker David Foster, was released internationally on September 20th and in the U.S. on September 28th.

Speaking about the video to US Weekly magazine, Seal’s wife Klum said: “It’s the story of two people in love. My husband is what I always wanted and never thought I would have.” Seal concurred: “The song, the movie, it’s the story of our love.” Klum’s voice is also featured in a duet with the father of their four children on another Commitment song appropriately titled Wedding. The album debuted at number 11 on the official UK Albums Chart this week.

These two certainly make marriage look sexy, but that is probably not difficult to accomplish  when a husband and wife are as sexy as Klum and Seal are!

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