More Brits in LA: “Real” housewife Lisa Vanderpump

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills launched here in America this week, and I for one was glued to the telly.

I love Kim and Kyle Richards, but I couldn’t ignore the British contingent on show. Step for forward Lisa Vanderpump, it’s your time to shine!

Born and raised in London, to some Lisa’s been around forever, I remember her from the Shadow Lounge days back in London’s West End not so long ago… Lisa was one of the owners, and the place was one of the more prestigious gay clubs in town, and any gay, who was any gay, went there!

Uber chic Vanderpump, a former actress (aren’t they all) has gone a bit more upmarket these days, she now owns several restaurants in Los Angeles with hubby Kenneth Todd.

She says her life has changed much over the last two years since her kids left home, but she still likes to keep her life busy. At least she has Ken, her houseboy Cedric Martinez (he’s gay), and Gigolo, or Giggy as she calls him (he’s her pet Pomeranian, even ‘Giggy’ has his own website!)

For me, the funniest part in the season premiere of this non-scripted ‘Dynasty-style’ reality show was when the gang of girls boarded a private jet, as it took off they clinked their champagne glasses to celebrate, um… togetherness (amidst the bitching), then Kyle came out with the most outrageous of comments, saying: “Here’s to hoping my boob doesn’t fall out!” Lisa’s quick witted and hysterical response was: “Here’s to the exact opposite!”

Ah… See, spoken like a true Brit, and how very camp of her. You’ve got to love this woman, if only for that comment alone!

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