Exhibit from leading Welsh photographer opens in Los Feliz

“Talking Pictures” a new exhibit from leading Welsh celebrity photographer Cambridge Jones, is coming to Los Feliz’s Barnsdall Art Center from March 3rd- April 24th. The  Center is located at 4800 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027. Call (323) 660-4254 or visit www. barnsdallartpark.com/

Talking Pictures is a collection of fresh and dynamic images from a photographer who is no stranger to L.A. Portraits include Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jonathan Pryce, Eddie Izzard, Damien Lewis, Michael Sheen, Ioan Gruffudd, Terry Jones, Matthew Rhys, Helen McCrory, Dame Shirley Bassey, Robert Plant, Bryn Terfel and John Cale.

Cambridge Jones says, “I shoot celebrities as people rather than people as celebrities. I like my portraits to be honest without any veneer. I want a visual connection between the viewer and the subject, often jumping out of the frame. I am pleased when they walk out of a session an hour or so later and comment that they don’t feel they have been photographed. It’s almost incidental that the encounter involved a camera.”

He’s been described as Britain’s answer to Annie Leibovitz and he is flattered with the comparison but explains that his process is more relaxed and spontaneous.

At the end of each shoot, Cambridge asks his subjects to talk briefly about who or what inspired them. Viewers to the exhibit can enjoy listening to these comments on accompanying audio and thus get the full impact of the “talking picture.”

The inspirations revealed:

For Michael Sheen, surprisingly it is not an actor but the storied critic Kenneth Tynan, who inspired him.

For Damian Lewis star of Band of Brothers, incongruously perhaps, it’s Gilbert and Sullivan opera.

For Terry Jones, it’s the surreal comedy of Buster Keaton that inspired his visuals for Monty Python.

A common DNA joins photographer and subject and that’s simply and magnificently – Wales. As Cambridge Jones developed the project and met these celebrities who are passionate about Wales, he too became more inspired by his heritage with its unique culture.

Barnsdall Art Center, 4800 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027. Exhibit runs March 3rd- April 24th.

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