Stargazing with Annie Shaw

ARIES: Your boss planet Mars is heading into your money house. While it’s true he does well here just be cautious, because he is a fire that sometimes moves out of control.

TAURUS: You are feeling more confident now and this is due to Jupiter in your financial area bringing money matters front and center. Take the opportunity to set a budget going forward.

GEMINI: You are the lucky one for some time ahead. Jupiter is on an extended visit to you, meaning it’s a good time to get moving on any area of life you’ve planning. Happy Birthday!

CANCER: It’s good to make amends to anyone or anything that caused you any upset feelings. This next week or so will bring any situation to a close. No matter what it is, it’s all for the higher good.

LEO:  You’re finally getting your life on track due to your high-profile helper Mars. This is a time to move forward any plans on hold. Moves of some kind are coming.

VIRGO: You may be feeling a little melancholy or thinking about the past a lot lately. This is due to Saturn opposite your general life. You can cheer up by merely thinking more positively.

LIBRA: Be clear with your intention while making decisions now. It’s a time of opportunity for you especially in new career opportunities. Jupiter in your cousin sign Gemini is ready to help.

SCORPIO: You have the power to do whatever you decide you can. Be sure to keep a positive attitude now as your boss Mars is moving into a good place to help currently.

SAGITTARIUS: Your boss planet Jupiter is living in your opposite sign Gemini for the next year. With this in mind know that while things may be hectic for a while, it can bring a lot of stability in the end. 

CAPRICORN: It seems like time to make big decisions, however not too fast, you have to be sure of what you want. Do not rush to complete anything just yet. Better to walk to the right decision than sprint to the wrong one.

AQUARIUS: You have never liked being bored or restrained from doing anything you want. Times of late have made life difficult for you, however, it will soon be time to move forward with your plans.

PISCES: You could be dealing with family situations. This means that other things that are important are put on a back burner. You should be back on track in a few days.

Direct Contact: Annie (310) 710 8224