Longtime manager of Continental Shop passes away

There was sad news for the local British community this week with the news that Bob Brown, the retired cashier/shop manager of 30+ years, passed away Sunday at home in his sleep. Bob was a native of Australia, moving to Canada then to the States.  After working at Paramount Studios on the original Star Trek series, and several years after that, he came to the Continental Shop as a cashier at its original location at the Ambassador Hotel until the move to Santa Monica and when his health issues made him retire about 6 years ago.

Continental Shop owner Mike Clewer told the British Weekly:  “After so many years working at the Continental Shop Bob was known as an honorary Brit to our customers. He was a loyal friend to all our customers over the years and enjoyed handing out pre-decimal British coins to the children who came in, many who still remember the beginnings of their coin collections.”

Bob is survived by his wife Eli and no funeral is planned but a memorial service will be held at the Seaman’s Church, date to be announced.