British American schoolkids trim their heritage tree

Students from British American School – Los Angeles (located in First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica) are seen here working on their ‘Heritage Tree’ on Wednesday.

The students asked members of the public to write down where their family originated from on a leaf, which were attached to the tree. When the tree is full of leaves the information will be collected and formed into graphical representation. Students will learn how to conduct a survey, dialog about different countries and use the information in statistical analysis.

Students began their survey in front of the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica, where the BAS-LA is co-located to talk to shoppers who visit the farmers market and then they proceeded to talk to shoppers at the Farmer’s Market as well as the popular Ye Olde Kings Head Shoppe. Since Santa Monica is an international destination, students met tourists and locals who have traveled the globe to come to Santa Monica.

The British American School opened in September 2009. The school has year-round enrollment for children 5-12 years of age, and will develop into a middle and high school offering the University of Cambridge International Examinations at age 14.

The school is located at 1220 2nd Street, Santa Monica. For more information contact Dianne Elliott at (424) 645-2330 or email


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