Incredible shrinking Ricky Focused on Fitness!

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At first glance you may mistake Ricky Gervais‘ face pulling for a new comedy character he is working on, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, this is the face of true determination and exhaustion, as funnyman Ricky is determined to keep himself on his strict fitness regime!

Gervais confessed last year that approaching 50 had made him very aware of his own well being, and with people forever commenting on his ever expanding waistline, he said to himself; “You’re going to die at the age of 51 of a heart attack, you fat idiot.”

So since then he has pushed himself to the limit and lost over two stone with regular runs, similar to the one he was spotted doing this week in Primrose Hill, near his north London home.

Well, they say no pain, no gain right Ricky? I’ve never seen him looking so trim. However, with all that time spent in LA LA land, he might want to work on his tan a little! Just a thought…


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