Clan app: get the lowdown on your Highland past

THE ARCANE world of Scottish clans got a high-tech upgrade this week with the release of the Scottish Clans app on Wednesday…which just happened to be St. Andrews Day.

The company behind the app, ScotClans claim the little smartphone and tablet widget is ‘the most comprehensive guide to the history of over 350 clans ever published be it online or in print’. The app allows Scots worldwide to read clan histories, see clan tartans and crests and even find out each clan’s ancestral homeland. And using a built-in registration function, the app will be able to build up a picture of Scottish migration around the world. The company’s blurb claims the app represents “the most ambitious attempt so far to map the Scottish Diaspora and show the worldwide influence of Scotland’s great clans.”

The app is available for iPhones and iPads and can be downloaded from

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