Perry and Brand: Hollywood’s most amicable divorce ever?

Russell Brand declines Katy Perry’s millions as she signs divorce papers with a heart and smiley face

WHEN quirky couple Russell Brand and Katy Perry announced in December they were parting ways it looked like a messy separation might ensue. But this week Brand politely declined half of his wife’s fortune, prompting the question: is this the most amicable divorce in Hollywood history?

Forbes reported last month that the Hot n Cold singer stood to lose millions of dollars because the couple had not signed a pre-nuptial agreement, with Perry worth an estimated $44m and Brand a mere $7m.

“In California, assets are split evenly among the couple if there is no pre-nup,” Forbes explained, “meaning Perry stands to lose over $20m not including the two homes the ex-couple purchased together.”

But as the divorce settlement was signed by a California judge on Wednesday, revealed that Brand would not be taking a penny. One source told the website: “This divorce is as amicable as it gets, and Russell was a mensch [Yiddish for a good bloke].”

Perry, who will return to her maiden name Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, even drew a heart and smiley face under her signature on paperwork stating that she and Brand had agreed on all financial issues.

The couple, who married in October 2010 in a lavish wedding at a tiger reserve in India, will become legally single again on 14 July. Californian law requires that couples wait at least six months after filing their divorce before it can be finalised.

Despite reports of marital strife before the announced separation, Brand has said: “I’ll always adore her and I know we’ll remain friends.”

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