
ARIES: If life at work is not all it can be – cool. As we move into mid-month the planets will open new doors. Your boss Mars finally going straight ahead will bring plenty of  Happy Birthday action.

TAURUS: Your emotions are probably in a mess in regards to some area of family life. It is more than likely a past situation that has brought things up and this should be resolved once and for all now.

GEMINI: It’s time to think positive and get your life in order. You would be wise to not use up all your energy, however, before mid-next week, as then life gets hectic. An emotional situation is less of problem if you confront it.

CANCER: You may be letting go of what you consider the past, it may be for you not for others, so be cool when you may be asked to explain something. It won’t go away by not dealing with the issue.

LEO: You may be in the mood to get far from the madding crowd and you will, as soon as what you must take care of is finished. Hey, by then you will have more cash to play with and a new outfit for spring.

VIRGO: This past week or so for you has not been as easy going  as you would like or need. This is because everything is “topsy-turvy” in the planets. However, next week starts out better.

LIBRA: The planet of Karma is still sitting in your life and is starting to rev up energy this weekend, and by mid-week all engines will be going. This is spring cleaning time for you and not just in the home – in your head as well.

SCORPIO: Your powerful boss Mars is ready to move and take action in all areas of your life this weekend. A word of caution, since he is the war lord and no doubt you have been keeping upset or anger at bay for about a month. Keep a steady head.

SAGITTARIUS: This next week at some social gathering you will be attending there will be an opportunity to make contact with a good person for business or career . It’s not something you should delay on pursuing.

CAPRICORN: The sun in Aries currently will assist you to get the job done as this week ahead is a great time to begin. Also, Pluto the planet living in your life goes backwards for a few months, so let’s see what you can achieve by autumn.

AQUARIUS: You are probably feeling like a break away, so even if you can get out of town, take time out in the garden or walk on the beach. If you can swing a weekend away this is the time next week or so, as next month will be busier.

PISCES: The family is much on your mind. If you learn to live in the moment, things will work out quicker and with less stress. The situation you were worried about is not going to be so bad.  A business or romantic opportunity will keep you busy.